Air Canada Delayed Flight Compensation: Know Your Rights and How to Get It


Every year, millions of people take to the skies for business and leisure, relying on airlines to get them safely to their destinations on time. However, delays and cancellations are an unfortunate reality of air travel. When a flight is delayed, passengers are often left feeling frustrated and inconvenienced. But what many passengers don’t realize is that they may be entitled to compensation for their troubles. In this article, we will explore passengers’ rights to flight compensation, the regulations that protect them, and how to go about securing the compensation they deserve.

Passengers’ Rights to Compensation

In the event of a delayed or cancelled flight, passengers are entitled to certain rights and protections under the Montreal Convention and EU Regulation 261/2004. These regulations dictate that passengers may be eligible for compensation if their flight is delayed by a certain amount of time or if it is cancelled altogether. The amount of compensation varies depending on the length of the delay and the distance of the flight.

For example, under EU Regulation 261/2004, passengers may be entitled to compensation if their flight is delayed by more than three hours, or if it is cancelled less than 14 days before the scheduled departure date. The amount of compensation can range from €250 to €600, depending on the distance of the flight. Similarly, under the Montreal Convention, passengers may be entitled to compensation for damages resulting from a flight delay or cancellation.

Understanding the Regulations

It is important for passengers to understand their rights and the regulations that protect them in the event of a delayed or cancelled flight. This knowledge can empower passengers to advocate for themselves and ensure that they receive the compensation they are entitled to. In addition to compensation for the inconvenience of the delay, passengers may also be entitled to reimbursement for expenses such as meals, accommodation, and transportation.

Passengers should familiarize themselves with the specific regulations that apply to their situation and the airline they are flying with. Each country may have its own regulations regarding flight compensation, so it is important for passengers to research the laws that apply to their particular situation. Additionally, passengers should be aware of the time limits for filing a compensation claim, as there may be a deadline for doing so.

How to Get Compensation

When a flight is delayed or cancelled, passengers should take certain steps to ensure that they receive the compensation they are entitled to. First and foremost, passengers should document the details of the delay or cancellation, including the reason for the disruption, the length of the delay, and any expenses they incurred as a result. Passengers should also keep any relevant documentation, such as their boarding pass, ticket, and receipts for expenses.

Next, passengers should file a compensation claim with the airline. This can typically be done online or by filling out a form provided by the airline. When submitting a claim, passengers should be sure to include all relevant information and documentation to support their claim. It is important for passengers to be persistent and follow up with the airline if they do not receive a response to their claim within a reasonable amount of time.

If the airline denies a compensation claim, passengers have the right to escalate their claim to the relevant national enforcement body or seek legal assistance. There are also companies and organizations that specialize in helping passengers secure the compensation they deserve, often on a no-win, no-fee basis. These services can be particularly helpful for passengers who are unfamiliar with the regulations and legal processes involved in filing a compensation claim.


When a flight is delayed or cancelled, passengers have rights and protections that entitle them to compensation for their inconvenience. By understanding their rights and the regulations that apply to them, passengers can advocate for themselves and secure the compensation they deserve. It is important for passengers to document the details of the delay, file a compensation claim with the airline, and be persistent in seeking the compensation they are entitled to. With the right knowledge and support, passengers can ensure that they are fairly compensated for the inconvenience of a delayed or cancelled flight.

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